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Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Thessalonians 5:23



On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” – John 20:19

On the run.  Afraid.  The Disciples were hiding after the murder of Jesus.  Seen as fools, heretics, traitors, the Disciples were hiding to save themselves.  There were angry mobs after them. Law enforcement wanted to “talk” to them.  Like the character in the movie “Twister”, to them it felt like the storms were chasing them.



But as the star foretold the coming of Jesus through birth, Jesus came to them, even in death.  And when He came, he offered them these words, “Peace be with you”.

Sisters and Brothers, I apologize for not sending messages the last 2 days.  I am in a storm right now… and it feels personal.

In this week of Advent, I remind us all, self-included, that Jesus is coming, that we are to celebrate the coming of Christ.  And when Jesus comes, He offers us “Peace” because Jesus is “Peace”. 

Let us look to Him.  Let us trust Him.  Let us receive HIM!

Peace be with you!

Be Blessed, Beloved.

- Rev. Damon

© 2020 Faith First Project



The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24-26

Do you know what “countenance” means?  It took seminary to make me find out.  Until then, I just read it and recited it.  But when I found out, I got stuck.


In common English, “the Lord lift up His FACE upon you and give you peace”.  I know the word “face” is used prior to this line, but still, it hit different when you think about what this is saying.


The Lord our God is lifting His face to watch us, stare at us, to give us peace.  WHAT?!?!?!

“Why you staring at me?”  Things we said when we were kids.  Someone was irritating us, usually a younger sibling or relative, and their constant gaze bothered us.  Or the glances from an undesirable, who only had their intentions in mind.  Or that co-worker whose glance left you needing a shower.  Or what about that stare for the “haters” who seem to surround you?

But this is God.  God is staring at us, not in judgement, but to act.  Staring at us with intention to give us support, protection, perseverance, love.  God’s glance keeps those weapons from prospering.

When God stares at us, we get Peace. 

Sisters and Brothers, welcome the looks of our Lord.  Let us remember that our Lord has to watch us in order to tell us to “watch out”.  That God glance is a gift of protection.  God knows that humans live in harsh times, and that life guarantees pain, ache, disappointment, anger, and other challenges.  But when God lifts up His head to stare at us… God gives us Peace.

God’s eyes are watching us.

Be Blessed, Beloved.


- Rev. Damon

© 2020 Faith First Project



“I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!”– John 16:33


Today’s message should end there. What else is there to say?  Jesus said it.  I believe it.  Done. Jesus tells us that He has CONQUERED THE WORLD.  Jesus has defeated everything that the world can throw at us.  Jesus has defeated everyone who means us ill.  What else is there to talk about?  What else is there to discuss?

Jesus told us this so we can have peace.  Yep, we are going to go through it.  Persecutions will come.  Persecutions will be insulting, disrespectful, come from loved ones, friends, family, and empires.  Persecutions will come dressed in fine linens and vagabonds, come in “dreams to good to be true” and nightmarish horror stories.  They are coming.

Guess what?  Jesus defeated them already.  Jesus has authored their defeat. 

Which means Jesus has given us the victory. 

Sisters and Brothers, live in that Peace.  Live in that PROMISE! I know, trust me, as I send these messages this week, persecutions are playing target practice with my soul.  But I had to get back to this scripture and remember that there is one who has conquered the world!

Thank YOU Jesus!

Be Blessed, Beloved.


- Rev. Damon

© 2020 Faith First Project



For “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. – 1 Peter 3:10-11


Be Blessed, Beloved.


- Rev. Damon

© 2020 Faith First Project




The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. – Romans 16:20

Be Blessed, Beloved.


- Rev. Damon

© 2020 Faith First Project

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