Wednesday, March 2nd
It’s Time. In order to get us all prepared for Lent, I thought I would share some info.
Ash Wednesday is a day of repentance. It is a day where we take a page from the Book of Job and repent in dust and ashes. We remember that we are human. “Remember, that from the dust you were made, and to the dust you shall return”.
On Ash Wednesday we admit our limits and acknowledge the brevity of this life. Whether in a formal Ash Wednesday service or privately in our homes, let’s use the first day of the Lenten season to remember that from the dust we were made and to the dust we shall return.
When it comes to fasting, Sundays are celebrations of the death and resurrection of Jesus, they are automatically considered days of joy and are not days of Lenten fasting, and therefore are not counted as part of the 40 Days.
Fasting ends on Holy Thurs. Apr. 14th.
On the Thursday of Holy Week, Christians remember the Last Supper before the sacrifice.
Lent ends on Holy Saturday.
“Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and mark the foreheads of those who sigh and groan because of all the detestable practices that have been conducted in it.” - Ezekiel 9:4
Are you ashamed of your belief in Jesus Christ? No? Are we silent to the sins we commit? Are we negligent to the needs of the ignored, the oppressed, those who are left on the margins of life? Wear the mark of a believer. But don’t just wear it, LIVE IT. Let us examine ourselves and ask, “why do I believe”? Know that we do not sigh and groan alone. There are others who want to help us endure and do something with our belief.
Sisters and Brothers, let us get our spirits, minds, bodies and hearts on one accord and become even better, through fasting, for our Savior.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;" – Joel 2:12 NRSV
Why are we fasting? We are fasting as an example of our devotion to the life and love that Jesus Christ had, has and will have for us. When Jesus fasted, he did so to have an even more rooted relationship with God the Father. Imagine that, the Son God, needing to be even closer and intentional with God. Jesus fasted to strenghten himself to resist the temptations of world, to resist the urge toi quit, to resist using the power of God that flowed through Him for selfish reasons, but to heal and save the world.
Similarly, we fast.
We weep, we mourn, our heart aches at all the injustices of world. We weep, we mourn, our heart aches at the injustices done to us, by us. How much anger, rage, sadness, confusion, can we endure? How long do we carry luggage of long ago loss? When will the pressures of oppression end? When will love conquer all?
It is in those moments when the temptations will come in the most alluring packaging, will present itself in the ways that can get to you the most. When we yield, we deny the world the gift that God made us to be.
So let us do as scripture says, “return to the Lord with all of our hearts.” As we fast, give God all of us, let us lean on God to fill the spaces of the things we have given up so that we won’t fail.
Sisters and Brothers, Return all the hurt, the pain, the anger, all that stuff to God… and exchange it for the gift that is Jesus, the ultimate gift receipt, who paid it all.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward." – Matthew 6:16 NRSV
Your fast is YOUR FAST. You are not fasting to brag and boast about your strength and courage to fast to others. We are not participating in the fasting Olympics. So don’t looking all long in the tooth, sad, forlorn, discombobulated, and whatnot. We are fasting for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus, who sees the intent in our hearts. Jesus, who hears the silent thoughts of self-adulation. Jesus, who knows the truth about each of us that no one knows.
This fast is not a resolution. This is not something we promise we are going to do and then two or three days in, we relapse. What if Jesus didn’t sustain His fast?
And before you say, “we ain’t Jesus”, allow me to confirm. You aren’t. I’m not.
But Jesus also taught us that we can be bigger and stronger and wiser than the constraints of known human constructs. “It is YOUR faith that has healed YOU.”
Jesus taught and teaches us that we can do all things. We can do anything.
In the face of everything, no sourpuss. No, “woe as me”. Stop it.
We are fasting in solidarity and celebration of what Jesus endured for US. Jesus went through all of that FOR YOU! For ME!
And we got our faces all knotted up?
Don’t do it Sisters and Brothes.
It is all about Jesus.
Let us never forget that.
As the love of Jesus Christ has and will always be about us.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” - James 4:8
There is a gameshow called, “to tell the truth”. Sometimes, no, all the time, we need to tell the truth.
We need to tell the truth to each other, and most of all, to ourselves. And we need to do so from a place of Love, of building and courage and strength; not to hurt, but to heal.
Our hands are “dirty”.
We are sinners.
Our hearts need to be ourified.
And yes, at times, we are double-minded.
That is the truth.
What is all true is that with all our stuff, we can still go to God. And then God will pull us even closer, deeper into Him and get us right!
That is why we are fasting. To draw near, to pull, push, drag ourselves, into a deepr relationship with God.
Let us clean our hands of laziness, and ineffectual work. Let us confess our sins and repent. Let us rid our hearts of all grudges, hurts, vengeance and anger. Let us focus our minds on our Savior and live the teachings and preachings and love of Jesus.
Sisters and Brothers, we all can be better. We all carry stuff. We all throw stuff on others.
Let us draw near to God and wartch what happens when God draws near to us.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.” - Colossians 1:18 NRSV
Remember way back in grammar school we all would race to be the first one finished with the assignment, the test, or whatever work we were doing in class? Remember how we would look around and see our classmates, our friends, flipping pages before we did, and then immediately feeling like we weren’t as smart because we were not as fast, we weren’t first. We all wanted to be first… even to our detriment. Me? To be first, I skipped a few questions, but my answers in the wrong place, read only half the question and answered that, missing details that were necessary to reach the correct answer. The competitions I invented in my head, all to be first, because, well, I don’t know why.
When it comes to the head of the body, the head of the church, the one who was first to be born from death; there is no competition. No one did what Jesus did before Jesus was the first.
Jesus has no competition. No one and no thing can do what Jesus has done, does and will do for us.
When it comes to saving sinners, Jesus is first.’
When it comes to healing in the presence of impossibility, Jesus is first.
When it comes to providing when there are no provisions or pros who have no vision, Jesus is first.
Sisters and Brothers, there is a reason why Jesus is first.
Jesus should be first in our lives.
Jesus should be first in everything we do and say. Jesus should be first in our prayers and our confessions.
Jesus should be first in our hearts and our souls.
Let us keep Jesus first. Let us live our lives with Jesus FIRST in EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY!
Keep Jesus first, Sisters and Brothers.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you that have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” - Isiah 55:1 NRSV
The best things in life are free. Money can’t buy happiness.
Grace. Mercy. Joy. Freedom. Healing. Liberation. Salvation. Forgiveness. Love.
All of these are free, from Jesus Christ.
“Are you hungry? Did you eat yet?” Remember that lyrical question?
Jesus already knows when we thirst, when we hunger… and knows exactly what we need to be satisfied. Unlike others have a propensity to do, Jesus gives with no strings, no deal, me for you/you for me deal making. Nothing to trade.
You want Jesus? Accept Jesus with all you are and with all you have. And when you do, you will have life MORE ABUNDANTLY.
Jesus paid it all, for us.
Jesus didn’t have to browse, didn’t have to comparison shop, didn’t have to go to multiple locations.
Jesus got all he got for us, factory direct from the Father.
And if that is not enough, there is no condition to eat and drink from Jesus.
The only name that matters is the name of Jesus, branded on our Souls.
Jesus never closes, never has to check the inventory, never runs out of menu items.
Sisters and Brothers, Jesus welcomes all of us who thrist.
And we have an enternity of refills.
Let us drink from those waters and eat from that pantry of life.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, ‘Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ “ - John 7:38-39 NRSV
Yesterday we were led to a scripture that reminded us that Jesus has the most satisfying food and drink for each of us, for free. Jesus offers all that we need, for free, because Jesus paid it all for us. That is what we celebrate on Resurrection Sunday. All that Jesus endured for us. And gives us food, gives us the drink, gives us the sustenance of life.
That was yesterday. Today is about us.
In today’s scripture, Jesus is at another celebration. Jesus is inviting all who are thirsty. Then Jesus gives us the lesson. He says, “anyone who is thirsty”. That call went out to the masses.
Then Jesus says, “let the one who believes”. Jesus knew that many were thirsty. Many of the people were having a good time, spent their time dancing, sneaking off to dark corners of the room to do things, say things to plan for their “after party” activities. Jesus knew that there were a lot of people who needed, who wanted a drink.
That first call drew many. Jesus knew many were thirsty but also knew that not everyone was thirsty for Jesus. There was Jesus, standing there, no red cups, no glass flutes, no jewel-encrusted goblets. No brown or clear liquor.
Just Jesus.
“Let the one who believes.”
Our belief in Jesus Christ is what will allow Him to heal us. Jesus knows that many may thirst, but even fewer will believe.
Do we believe? Let us strengthen our faith, encourage each other from our faith to embolden their faith.
Jesus invites us to drink and then we must believe that the waters of Jesus will cure all that ails us and flow to all.
Let us believe.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
Colossians 1:15
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
Proverbs 14:12
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” - Isaiah 60:1 NRSV
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.“ - Mathew 4:16
We all should have our reason to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Metaphorically, we all had the same story, we were in darkness, and we were all saved by the Light. The specifics of our story are specific to each of us.
This scripture in Matthew is all about us, and the people then, who were sitting, living in darkness. Remember, this is Jesus, so we are saying that the soul was sitting and living in darkness.
Sometimes, I think we forget that the soul is a living and breathing life inside of us. We put so much focus on how we dress, press, and adorn the body, that we neglect the soul. Our soul should be the most important part of us. Our soul requires nourishment, protection, light, energy, joy, and love. It is our soul that Jesus forgives, it is our soul that Jesus redeems, it is the soul that Jesus died and rose again for.
Let us not trap our souls in the world with the worldly. Let us not be so concerned with stuff that covers the soul, putting into darkness ourselves, but let us keep our souls revealed to the Light of the Lord. And when we find ourselves or others in darkness, let us not ridicule or mock them. Let us not torture ourselves of another.
Sisters and Brothers, let us awaken our souls to the dawning of light given to us by our risen Savior,
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known.” - Mattew 10:26
They thought they were sneaking. They thought they could get over. They thought if they planned well enough, paid off enough people, worked their ways, their evil schemes would win. They had their secret meetings, stopped all conversations when you entered the room, left you out of group chats and email chains. They thought they have covered up all of their dastardly deeds.
And you know what? They did. You never saw it coming.
But guess who did?
Guess who has already built a way out?
Guess who has already dispatched Angels to help you with your pain?
Guess who already prepared a place for you?
Guess who already prepared a place for them?
Guess who has already started talking to God about what you are about to go through and who did it to you?
I know it sounds easy, to not worry about these plots and plans. To not let others ruin you, destroy you, bother you.
I know. But think about what Jesus did in the days leading up to the resurrection. Do you think a Savior who did all of those things for all of those different types of people will forsake you?
We often where God is, what is Jesus waiting for when these covered-up plots trouble our lives.
Sisters and Brothers, here is the lesson. Those secrets were never so covered that Jesus did not see them, they were covered up from us. And Jesus needed us to them, and see the author(s) of those secrets. Why? To remind us that we are to put our First Faith in Jesus, and then in those who give and share love that is rooted in that Faith.
Sisters and Brothers, everybody ain’t gonna be a resident in the “many mansions”. Pay attention and adjust our lives once those who try to cover up things from Jesus are revealed and remove from our lives.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.” - John 15:13
Sisters and Brothers, simple question… Do you have a love that Great? Is there a friend you would lay down your life for? What about a stranger?
To be Christlike means that we are to be Like Christ.
Jesus laid down His life for people He didn’t even know, for people who hadn’t even accepted Him yet.
Could you?
Would you?
Think about all we would give up for a friend.
Could you?
Would you?
Knowing they probably would not say, “thank you”, knowing that they would not fully turn their lives around.
Could you?
Would you?
Knowing you would be mocked and ridiculed and have lies told about you and to you.
Could you?
Would you?
We are called to serve. We are called to not only believe but LIVE our belief, even if that means we have to give our life.
That is the Love that Jesus Christ has for each of us. That is the Joy that Jesus wants us to live with.
That Jesus had the kind of love to lay down His life for us.
What are we going to do with it?
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“For ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we too are his offspring.’” - Acts 17:28
I like this scripture because it comes from the book of Acts, a collection of stories of the Acts of the Apostles. As the Apostles bob and weave through the Roman territories, they took with them a truth. The truth is that no matter what they did and no matter where they went, they were the spiritual offspring of Christ Jesus.
The other cool thing about this verse is that it says that there are witnesses to the work of the Apostles, the Poets. The Poets have a job too. Yes, the work of the Apostles is important. What if no one recorded their works? What if no one learned of the works of the offspring of Jesus. Not only did the Poets have to record what happened, but the reason why they are poets is that they had to not only record and share the stories, but they had to do it in the prose of particular people.
A poet could not write a story in say Ethiopia in the same manner in Rome. Two entirely different cultures, experiences, peoples. Curtis Mayfield and Kendrick Lamar speak about the same things but have spoken to two entirely different cultures to get the same point across. They both recorded the work of the Apostles of their time, all of whom were offspring of Jesus Christ.
Sisters and Brothers, be who you are. Apostle. Poet. Both are vitally important to the mission of building the Kingdom and Kindom. Celebrate the Apostles. Celebrate the Poets.
But no matter what, let’s make sure we get the message.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“I know your works. Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” – Revelation 3:8
I am going to take some creative liberty here.
Jesus is tired. Not like, “need sleep” tired. But tired of those who have chosen to be dedicated members of the “synagogue of Satan” (next verse). Jesus can’t believe that some did not choose to follow Him. In that frustration, this is what He says to those who did, “I know your works. Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.” Jesus is telling us that He knows what we have done. Jesus is telling us that He knows the intents of our hearts. Jesus is telling us that there is a way to eternal salvation, and no one can shut the door to get to it.
Jesus goes on to compliment us. “I know you are not me. Guess what? You ain’t supposed to be. You are you. And what you did with your Faith in me…. My Sisters and my Brothers, you did what you were supposed to do. You kept my word and you have denied who I am and whose you are. You are with me.”
Sisters and Brothers, as we make our sacrifices during Lent, don’t forget to keep doing the work of Christ. Don’t neglecet our Christian responsibilities.
Jesus has no value system, no weight on the works we do. We shouldn’t either.
Do the work.
An open door awaits us.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”- John 14:6
This is such a popular scripture, that I want to do something different today.
Today, I ask you, what does this scripture mean to you?
Where do you find the most joy?
The first half, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”
The second half, “No one comes to the Father except through me”.
For me, I like that Jesus is the ultimate Gate-Keeper. Forget St. Peter. “NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me.”
NO ONE. Jesus is going to hold the door open for me. Jesus is going to welcome me in to meet the Father.
Jesus said that I am a “ONE”.
That keeps me shouting. That keeps me smiling. That keeps me in a good mood, even when I have a bad day.
I am a ONE.
When I screw up.
I am a ONE.
When I get lazy and take the easy way.
I am a ONE.
When I sin.
Sisters and Brothers, find your joy in this scripture. And keep that Joy with you, all the days and nights of your life!
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands.” - Revelation 7:9 NRSV
Today begins the confirmation hearings of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. In 2022, we are holding the hearings to CONFIRM the first BLACK WOMAN to the highest court in the land. In today’s scripture, we read about the great multitudes that will be welcomed before the throne of grace, as they behold the lamb of forgiveness and mercy, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
How are they related? Watch this.
In heaven, there will be no color, gender, no denomination, or hierarchy. There will be believers, and for those who do not, well, they will be a bit warm. In heaven, the physicality of our bodies, our demographics, our biology, will not matter. There will be a “great multitude” from all tribes and people and languages. All that will matter is how did we live on earth.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (scream that name), will help determine and interpret how we can live on earth. Her decision making, her interpretation of our human laws will resonate in our practice of faith. Justice Jackson will play a role in how we live outside of our door till we come home could be under review by the Supreme Court. A brilliant, beautiful. An intelligent, thoughtful, insightful and EXCEPTIONALLY QUALIFIED Black Woman will be on that bench.
Justice Jackson will help decide how the great multitude live here, which will make it more joyous to live there and be before the throne of Grace.
On this day of Lent, let us celebrate Ketanji Brown Jackson, the sacrifices she made, the “stuff” she endured, and the excellence she demonstrated to get to where she is. And when she is confirmed, we shall celebrate again.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” - Psalms 30:5 NRSV
Maybe it’s my memory. Maybe it’s my ignorance. Or maybe I just ignored it, because, well, it was easier to do so. I have heard the end of this scripture more times than I can count. “Weeping may linger for the night, but Joy comes in the morning.” We can’t wait to get to that Joy. We all focus on that Joy. Joy feels good, smells good, tastes good, sounds good. Joy. From Jesus? What could be better than that?
But it’s the first part I want us to center on today. “For His anger is but for a moment; His favor is for a lifetime”.
I am not trying to depress your day or week. But I wanted to take this opportunity as we continue with our Lenten season, that we do stuff that angers God. And don’t tell yourself, “well, I’m not as bad as…. “. The Holy Trinity that has dominion over our lives does not grade “on the curve”. God, Jesus, Holy Ghost all know what we are capable of and also know the intent of our hearts. There is no way to fool our Father.
When we mess up, when we disappoint God, we are going to accept the consequences of our actions, our choices.
PRAISE GOD! Scripture tells us that God’s anger only lasts for a moment, but HIS favor is for a LIFETIME! Please remember, a “moment” to God, is different than a “moment” to us. Either way, God’s anger towards us does not last longer than God’s favor toward us.
Sisters and Brothers, Confess. Repent. Change.
Joy will come and last a lifetime!
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“One's own folly leads to ruin, yet the heart rages against the Lord.” - Psalms 19:3
How ya doing on yo r Lenten Fast/Sacrifice? Have you stumbled? Have you got yourself ready to indulge, partake, sample just a little bit of what it was you gave up for Lent? Been tempted?
You are Human. You are flawed. You are going to have moments of weakness.
The thing Is to not let those moments add up, pile up on you, creating a mountain of “you know better”, and then lose your way trying to get from up under it.
“Our own folly will lead to our ruin, and our heart will rage against the Lord.” Sisters and Brothers, Let this midweek reminder do the job and remind us to not fall prey to our own folly. Yes, sometimes even God’s children drive us crazy. Life makes us can make us nuts. And things happen that hurt. But Jesus! Jesus! JESUS! Jesus! JESUS!
We celebrate this Lenten season thinking about all that JESUS has done, is doing, and will do for us.
Let us do all we can to not “rage against the Lord”, but turn, sprint, crawl, cry, lean, collapse on our SAVIOR, JESUS and give it all to Him.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. “ - Matthew 5:14
Let me get right to it.
Jesus is the light of the world. The light that warms and soothes. The light that illuminates for those battling darkness. The light that beacons all who seek to be drawn to that wondrous light.
There is Jesus.
Now, about this city. A city has more than one person. A city has shelters. A city has resources. A city has many resources. A city provides for its residents. A city has people being neighborly toward one another. A city has room for the private individuality of the person and operations to foster and protect the common good.
We are the people of the city.
Drawn by the light of Jesus, we are citizens of the most Holy City, Salvation.
Sisters and Brothers, just as we see and feel and breathe and touch and taste the light of Jesus, so should others. Let us not be the preventer of light. Let us not try to horde the light, keep it all to ourselves because we do not understand or like what others do with the light.
How I share my relationship with Jesus has nothing to do with how you share your relationship with Jesus.
But when we put all our shares together, on that hill, basking in the light of Jesus….. OHH THE THINGS WE CAN DO! Be Let’s be good neighbors and welcome those who are called by the light… just as we were.
“Love thy neighbor….”
Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Then he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life.” - Revelation 21:6
When we don’t have, we have enough.
Read that again.
When we don’t have anything, we have enough.
Living on earth has boxes, has prisons, has problems, has troubles, has illness, has bankruptcies, has liars and cheaters, and thieves.
Yet, we have enough.
Before we took a breath, Jesus loved us.
As we became all that we are, Jesus was there.
In the end, Jesus will be there.
Jesus is with us through it all. ALL I TELL YOU!!!
Do not the aches of this world, do not let the hurts of this world, do not like the acts or inactions of others stop you from remembering that JESUS IS RIGHT THERE!
And Jesus is not some silent witness. Jesus is a resolver, the ultimate fixer.
Trust God’s Plan. That plan included a SAVIOR who never stops loving us and saving us.
Sisters and Brothers, face it, with Jesus!
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.”” - John 10:18
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."- Romans 8:5
I apologize. I know I’m late. Yesterday’s shenanigans had me all over the place and what to say today. Even my prayers were confused. Ther’s so much to unpack.
I only have a few characters, so let me address it today.
Sacriface. Lent is all about sacrificing the old to increase our new with Jesus.
Ego. Ego is a living and breathing thing, that unchecked, can destroy our relationship with Jesus.
Yesterday was all about Ego… on all sides.
Using yesterday as a lesson, what if bettered our relationship with God, would not the rest of life fall in to place? What if we unpacked all of our insecurities, jealousies, fears, envy, angers, hurts and gave them, truly and completely gave them to Jesus?
Then yesterday’s events would not have happened.
Love. When we do not live from a place of love, then the “flesh will have our minds set on what the flesh desires.” How can people bo so mean? Violent? Manipulative? Cruel? Spiteful?
The flesh.
Sisters and Brothers, let us check ourselves. Let us give up our “stuff” and replace it with the love that Jesus has for us to give to others.
As we return to our fasting and praying, what if we set our minds only on worshiping, living and loving according to God and not on ourselves?
Let love be of our spirits. Let love be our minds. Let love be what rules our flesh.
Let us continue, loving, and be loved, in the name of Jesus.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit," -
Ephesians 3:16 NRSV
Maybe one day we will get it. We put so much energy and effort and loot into the outer that we neglect the inner. Perhaps we think if we make the outer look good enough, the inner will catch up, that no one will pay attention, including ourselves.
Riches. Don't come from us.
Strength. Don't come from us.
Power. Don't come from us.
Nothing we are or have or do is because of us.
It all comes from and is because of God.
If we used this time of Lent as Jesus did, to get rid of all that was not God that was inside of us and replace it with the Riches and Strength and Power that comes from God, how rich, strong, and powerful we would be.
Maybe, one day we will think we are not good enough but God enough.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Remember then from what you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent." -
Revelation 2:5 NRSV
Our midweek reminder. If we have broken our fast, if we have sampled what it was we sacrificed for lent, "repent, and do the works we did at first".
Not only is lent a time for us to let go of particular things for these 40 days, but it is also a time to prepare ourselves to be better Christians starting on the 41st day and beyond.
If you have ever said or thought, "at least I'm not as bad as...", "it's not really that bad...", "look at all that I have done", "I have to do something because...", repenting should be happening.
We won't be judged in comparison to others. God has an intimate relationship with every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every drop of water on the planet... You think God doesn't have an intimate understanding of you?
We will be judged in comparison to ourselves. God knows all that we are capable of. God is our light, strength and power and knows what we can do (and not do) if we completely rely on Him.
Sisters and Brothers, let us repent and do better.
That lampstand holds our light. Let's not end up with darkness.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.” -
John 10:18 NRSV
Lent is all about sacrifice. Jesus fasted for 40 days to make Himself stronger. Not in terms of physical strength but in spiritual and mental strength. Jesus fasted to become stronger in His relationship with God.
The "it" Jesus is referring to here is His life. Jesus is teaching what He will do for those in His care.
Jesus is teaching no one can take His life from Him. No one. That Jesus will sacrifice His life because of His choice to be obedient to God His Father.
Sisters and Brothers, hold that in your heart for a minute.
Jesus knew how powerful He was. Jesus knew He could stop Judas, the Pharisees, the Roman guards, the court proceedings, all of it. Jesus could shut it all down.
Scripture says, No one could take His life.... Unless He laid it down.
Jesus received God's word and chose to be obedient to God.
Our fasting and praying is to make us a better receiver, give us a stronger reception of God's word for each of us.
Keep fasting. Keep praying. Keep getting stronger in God.
We have work to do. God's Power will make us stronger.
No one will stop us!
Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"A few days later, the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living."
- Luke 15:13 NRSV
Fast and Pray. We do this to deepen our relationship with Jesus.
What are you doing with your relationship? Don't be vague. Be accountable to yourself and to your Savior.
Are we wasteful with this relationship? How much could we accomplish, how many souls could we save, how much healing could we give if we stopped squandering the blessing that is Jesus loving and gifting us.
"Dissolute." Look it up. Sins don't "happen" to us. We choose to sin, to be dissolute.
Sisters and Brothers, continue with our Fasts and Prayers. Let's get stronger in our relationship and not squanders.
Jesus is a great gift; let's not waste it.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom."
- James 3:13 NRSV
My Dad told me, "People only know two things in life. They know what they know and they know what they don't know. Wisdom is knowing the difference."
Are we wise? Are we understanding? Feel that question. The standard is Jesus. Are we truly wise and understanding?
Do we know when are not?
This Lenten season, as we fast and pray, let us take a truthful look at ourselves. Can we be wiser? Can we be more understanding? Can we be truthful and know when are not?
This is meant to be a "downer", but a reminder to review ourselves.
Because scripture says that when we are wise, when we are understanding and do work from wisdom and understanding, the people will see Jesus. The people will come to know Jesus.
The people will feel Jesus through our gentleness and understanding and Jesus.
Jesus has given us opportunities to bring souls to Him. But we must be wise. We must be understanding. We must be gentle.
In other words, we must be to others how Jesus has been to us.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength."
- Luke 22:43 NRSV
Jesus is the living word. Jesus is also living the word... as an example for us.
In today's scripture, we are in the middle of Jesus praying. Jesus is praying because he knows that trials and trouble are on the way. He is praying for the burden to be removed, but if it is God's will, that He can carry the burden in a way that is pleasing to God.
So what does God do?
"Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength."
I would hear you shouting but I can't over my own shout!
God sent Jesus and Angel!
Think about that. God. Sent His only Son. An Angel!
If that is what God did for Jesus, tell me what will God for us? Not only does God know what is going to happen, but God sends what is needed for us to endure what is about to happen!
When the enemy is about to attack. When the prognosis is about to be delivered. When the notices are already in the mail. When the disappointment is being delivered. When the lies are being told. When they don't act right.
When the trials are on the way. Not when they already happened, but before. Not when it looks "too late."
Before the trials start, God will send an Angel to give us God Strength to carry it!
But... But sometimes, we don't get it. Why?
Jesus was praying.
Sisters and Brothers, stay praying. Stay in conversation with God. Be genuine and honest and vulnerable to God.
God delivers all we need. All we have to do is ask in prayer.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"A few days later, the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living."
- Luke 15:13 NRSV
Fast and Pray. We do this to deepen our relationship with Jesus.
What are you doing with your relationship? Don't be vague. Be accountable to yourself and to your Savior.
Are we wasteful with this relationship? How much could we accomplish, how many souls could we save, how much healing could we give if we stopped squandering the blessing that is Jesus loving and gifting us.
"Dissolute." Look it up. Sins don't "happen" to us. We choose to sin, to be dissolute.
Sisters and Brothers, continue with our Fasts and Prayers. Let's get stronger in our relationship and not squanders.
Jesus is a great gift; let's not waste it.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom."
- James 3:13 NRSV
My Dad told me, "People only know two things in life. They know what they know and they know what they don't know. Wisdom is knowing the difference."
Are we wise? Are we understanding? Feel that question. The standard is Jesus. Are we truly wise and understanding?
Do we know when are not?
This Lenten season, as we fast and pray, let us take a truthful look at ourselves. Can we be wiser? Can we be more understanding? Can we be truthful and know when are not?
This is meant to be a "downer", but a reminder to review ourselves.
Because scripture says that when we are wise, when we are understanding and do work from wisdom and understanding, the people will see Jesus. The people will come to know Jesus.
The people will feel Jesus through our gentleness and understanding and Jesus.
Jesus has given us opportunities to bring souls to Him. But we must be wise. We must be understanding. We must be gentle.
In other words, we must be to others how Jesus has been to us.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength."
- Luke 22:43 NRSV
Jesus is the living word. Jesus is also living the word... as an example for us.
In today's scripture, we are in the middle of Jesus praying. Jesus is praying because he knows that trials and trouble are on the way. He is praying for the burden to be removed, but if it is God's will, that He can carry the burden in a way that is pleasing to God.
So what does God do?
"Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength."
I would hear you shouting but I can't over my own shout!
God sent Jesus and Angel!
Think about that. God. Sent His only Son. An Angel!
If that is what God did for Jesus, tell me what will God for us? Not only does God know what is going to happen, but God sends what is needed for us to endure what is about to happen!
When the enemy is about to attack. When the prognosis is about to be delivered. When the notices are already in the mail. When the disappointment is being delivered. When the lies are being told. When they don't act right.
When the trials are on the way. Not when they already happened, but before. Not when it looks "too late."
Before the trials start, God will send an Angel to give us God Strength to carry it!
But... But sometimes, we don't get it. Why?
Jesus was praying.
Sisters and Brothers, stay praying. Stay in conversation with God. Be genuine and honest and vulnerable to God.
God delivers all we need. All we have to do is ask in prayer.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable." -
Isaiah 40:28 NRSV
God does not get tired. God does not sleep. God does not have to.
For us humans, to understand God, we sometimes put human-like qualities on God. That makes it easier for us to comprehend.
But God is not human. God is, well, God.
Indescribable. Uncategorical. U quantifiable. There are no adjectives that can adequately capture what God is.
We know some of what God can do. We have our testimonies on what God has done.
But what God actually is? Our brains can't imagine such eveythingness.
And that is a good thing. If we could completely describe and know what God is, then we would be able to limit God.
God has no limit. God never "runs out" of anything to do for us or to us.
"Everlasting". "Unsearchable".
Sisters and Brothers, that is who we are fasting for and praying to. Just as Jesus acknowledged the awesomeness of God, that is what we are to do this lent season.
Keep it up. We are almost there. We can make it. Remember who we live for and who we serve.
God is. For each one of us.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"The next day the great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord— the King of Israel!” -
John 12:12-13 NRSV
Tomorrow a Palm Sunday. The day that Jesus came to Jerusalem.
Word had began to spread, and the people prepared to receive their Savior.
As we enter this last week of Lent, this Holy Week, let us prepare to receive our Savior.
Starting today Sisters and Brothers, prepare to receive like we never have before. Let us prepare our hearts, our souls, our minds, our bodies to receive Jesus in new ways, in deeper and more intentional ways.
Let us do all we can, starting this week, to live in thankfulness, live in compassion, live in wisdom, live in love.
Let us be patient with words. Let us be generous with our forgiveness. Let us be strong with our courage. Let us be thorough in our service. Let us be complete in our love.
This week. Starting today. Let us live as we never have before. We get to live because Jesus died and lives again for us.
Let us get ready and show the world how true that is. Let us be the living palms that welcomes Jesus back into the city.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"
- Matthew 6:25 NRSV
This is Holy Week. As we have been praying and fasting, deepening our relationship with Jesus, I hope we deepened our relationship with ourselves.
Have we taken time to meditate on what is truly important? Have we shed the habits of being so concerned with the cosmetic?
Sisters and Brothers, as we learn how important self-care is, let us not be selfish or self-absorbed.
Let us take care of our temple so that we can be builders of the kingdom, not slum-lords filling and covering our bodies with things that have nothing to do with the Love of Jesus Christ.
Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Jesus said to them, “The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. If you walk in the darkness, you do not know where you are going." -
John 12:35 NRSV
Jesus is back in Jerusalem. He is offering his last teachings, sermons, parables. Jesus knows what is going to happen, and is still offering words and a faith to offer God the Father to the many.
Got me thinking. Light is all around, can be seen and felt when it is there. But even as light is everywhere, do we block the light? What obstacles do we put up to darken our lives?
We clutter our lives with junk, bad habits, lack of discipline, hurts, vengeance, luggage of stuff we surround ourselves with, build walls with, all blocking the light that is meant for us.
Scripture says, "walk while you have the light".
Sisters and Brothers, keep moving. Don't stand still with the past. Move, walk, crawl, run, sprint, get moving forward out of what happened yesterdays ago, and move forward into the light that awaits.
Darkness is a real thing. Darkness is a mental, physical and spiritual thing. Jesus told us, begs us to give all of our pains to Him so they do not darken us.
Jesus wants our pain so God can deliver the Promise. Read that again!
The light of love, laughter, joy, forgiveness, grace and mercy awaits us.
All we have to do is walk towards it. That's Love.
No more darkness. Let's get that light, Sisters and Brothers. Get that light!
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"What! Do you not have h tvomes to eat and drink in? Or do you show contempt for the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What should I say , to you? Should I commend you? In this matter I do not commend you!" -1 Corinthians 11:22 NRSV
Today, Jesus rested. Today the disciples rested. Or did they?
This is the day before the Lord's Supper. Someone shopped. Someone cleaned up the place. Someone got the chairs. Someone made sure there were enough cups. Someone prepared the table.
When we eat, do we spend it electronically, focused on the tv, phone, tablet?
Do we say a sincere prayer of grace and thanks over the meal?
Are we conscious about what it took for us to take each bite?
Do we not just think about those who are hungry, but commit to do something about it?
A meal is not just about satisfying our hunger, but in taking nutrients. Nutrients from the food, the liquids, the conversation and the grace.
Our tables are to be filled, even with those who have done us wrong (Judas).
Even during a meal, we can offer Christ through the sharing, the communication, the meal, the prayer.
All who have less, should be at our table... Less to eat, less to drink, and most of all, less in spirit.
Sisters and Brothers, let's get our tables ready.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not arrest me. But let the scriptures be fulfilled.”
- Mark 14:49 NRSV
What are we willing to do? I ask that question, because the history of Holy Week really begins it's intensity today.
Humanity's relationship with Jesus Christ and faith, and theology and religion, and one another all took a turn starting today, many years ago.
The question remains from today's scripture. The people, the priests everybody was good with taking the teachings of Jesus. But when it came to living the teachings, doing the teachings, where we're they?
Jesus teaches each of lessons. Jesus teaches us our lessons so that we can take His teachings and apply them through our lives for the benefit of others.
We take the love, wisdom, grace, mercy, joy, forgiveness, compassion from Christ in our temples on Sunday's... Do we live them Monday through Saturday?
What if our lesson goes against norms, the status quo, our peer groups, our families? What if our lesson requires us to do something we have no idea how to do... Or want to do?
Sisters and Brothes, let's not be hypocrites and take from Jesus, perform a fake faith in church on Sunday, then arrest Jesus in our hearts on Monday.
We are being taught by Jesus. Let's go live the lesson.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"Then they all shouted out together, “Away with this fellow! Release Barabbas for us!” (This was a man who had been put in prison for an insurrection that had taken place in the city, and for murder.)
- Luke 23:18-19 NRSV
We are going to be inundated with Good Friday messages, prayers, and the Seven Last Words today. Some of you may even be participating in services today. Let me say, "Thank You" for your service in services today.
Sisters and Brothers, to give us something different to reflect on, I went to Luke.
When you get the opportunity, please read/reread the Holy Week Account in Luke.
I selected these verses because I want us all to really think about one question, a question that the life of Jesus asks us.
"What do you want?"
Really think about that question. What do you want?
The people wanted to turn on Jesus, and wanted Jesus to die for for his "crimes". But there was no room to kill him... Just as there was no room for him to be born.
Since the people wanted Jesus to die, so they released a murdering insurrectionist.
We are believers. We became baptized believers. In doing so, we professed our Want for Jesus.
Jesus wants us. Wants to forgive, heal, grace, and love us.
Wanting Jesus requires us to change from our wicked ways. Wanting Jesus requires us to carry one another. Wanting Jesus means delivering justice. Wanting Jesus means sincerely forgiving. Wanting Jesus means doing what is right and righteous, not easy or popular.
What do really want?
Let's want Jesus... And live like we already got Him.
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
"So they went with the guard and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone." - Matthew 27:66 NRSV
A Plot versus A Plan.
On Satrday morning, Jesus is laying in state, wrapped and covered in spices and cleansed. All according to Jewsh law.
Tried. Convicted. Humiliated. Betrayed. Insulted. Bruised. Broken. Worn Out. Murdered. Buried. Jesus has gone through it all.
But for the Chief Priests and the Pharisees, that was not enough. To guarantee that the followers of Jesus could not steal His body and "claim' that He rose, they convinced the authorities to surround the tomb with soldiers and to seal the tomb. A Plot.
Evil has a Plot. Evil creates stories based on calculated scenarios to achieve selfish goals.
A Plot.
But Plots have nothing on a Plan.
A Plan is confluence of selfless actions completed to benefit others.
God had, has and will always have a Plan.
God knew the plots of evil before they knew. God knew the plots of churchfolk before they were born. God knew plots of government before they wrote their laws.
God knows about Plots. Proof? God gave Jesus the Plan.
Surround the burial site. Seal the stones. Make it airtight. Make the stone unmovable. Deny entry to everyone.
When God said, "My Son, who was given to you, for you", they should have known the Plan was in place.
Sisters and Brorhers, evil people will have their plots. They will plot to protect their self-interest, and we will be in the way, often the target of their attacks.
But God gave us a Plan, Jesus. So let them have their plots. Let them surround us with evil. So what if they seal us in, have us trapped.
Jesus is the Plan for our rescue! Jesus is Plan for our victory! Jesus is the Plan for our eternal life!
Jesus is the selfless Plan of protection, grace, mercy, joy, hope and love for our lives.
No Plot will defeat the Plan that is Jesus! Let's follow that Plan!
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon
© 2022 Faith First Project
Resurrection Sunday
"So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples." -
Matthew 28:8 NRSV
Today is the day that Gospel was born. Gospel is the "Good News". Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome, and Mary the mother of James we're the first to Preach the Gospel. These women delivered the Good News to the Disciples.
The Good News is that our Jesus was not in that tomb. The Good News is that Jesus did what He said He was going to do. The Good News is that Jesus died, but loves again. The Good News is that Jesus proved how much He Loves US!!!
There is Good News today Sisters and Brothers. Jesus overcame death. As believers, as those who know and love Jesus, as ones who serve Jesus with our whole mind, body, and spirit, there is NOTHING that we can not overcome!
There is GOOD NEWS! In the face of everything, in the face of anything, there is GOOD NEWS.
Jesus may have lost His life on that Cross, but death did not defeat Him! What a mighty God we have as our Father!
There is Good News! Remember the Good News! Live and Love in the GOOD NEWS!!!
Be Blessed, Beloved.
- Rev. Damon www.faithfirstproject.com
© 2022 Faith First Project